Most humans perceive the real and imaginary as two different things, but how does someone who is insomniac differentiate between the two?

With her authorial project ”Imaginarium Somnium”, Marisa Bernardes focuses on the contrasts between the real and fictional thoughts of humans when exposed to insomnia.

Imaginarium Somnium by Marisa Bernardes
Imaginarium Somnium by Marisa Bernardes

Through her thought-provoking photographs, the young Portuguese photographer tries to question the difference between what is the reality and the imaginary. In “Imaginarium Somnium”, Marisa Bernardes creates visuals that resemble dreams and unconscious concepts and defies the viewers to appeal to their imagination and uncover the multiple meanings under each image.

Having this reference, Marisa expects to push people to interpret each picture based on their prior experiences, recorded in their conscious or unconscious memory, at some point of time.

Imaginarium Somnium by Marisa Bernardes

To see more of Marisa’s work visit her Cherrydeck profile or her website, here. For more interesting projects dealing with the self, have a look at Noah Webb’s series, Nomadic Reflector. ?

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

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